Table CC – Lump sum fees for NDIS administrative appeals

Table CC sets out the fees payable by Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) in National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Work itemFee
Preparation – where matter resolves prior to procedural hearing, conciliation conference (fee covers up to two case conferences)$3084
Additional preparation if matter proceeds to procedural hearing, conciliation conference$1285
Mention/directions hearing$349
Conciliation conference (up to 2)$1028
Additional preparation if matter proceeds to final hearing$771
Preparation of Statement of Issues, Facts and Contentions$2800
Daily appearance fee$2186
Counsel’s conference fee (up to 1 hour at $275 per hour)$280
Expert reports$2000

Entitlements and conditions

The fees in Table CC may be increased in matters where:

  • additional daily appearance fees are required
  • in exceptional circumstances additional preparation fees are required and calculated at an hourly rate of $257. This would ordinarily only arise where extensive preparation is required due to the complexity of the matter. When assessing an application for further preparation fees, we will take into account the total preparation allowed under Table CC.
  • a further conciliation conference is listed and the two conciliation conferences fees available under Table CC have been utilised.
  • additional expert reports are required that exceed the above maximum fee provided.
