4.4 – Family Law Property Program professional costs

Fee table 4.4 sets out all professional fees payable to lawyers and counsel, and disbursements available, in Commonwealth family law property matters under the Commonwealth funded Family Law Property Program.

A ‘cost ceiling’ is the maximum amount which Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) will pay in costs and disbursements in any single grant of assistance for a Commonwealth family law matter. The cost ceiling for family law property matters is $30,000 (including GST).

This fee table is effective from 1 January this year.

Stage 1 – early intervention – dispute resolution

Stage 1B – preparation for early intervention FDRS

Preparation for FDRS where the conference proceeds$832
Preparation for FDRS, where the conference does not proceed$212
Preparation for subsequent FDRS conference where the conference proceeds$416

Entitlements and conditions

  • Where the FDRS conference does not proceed for any reason and the lawyer seeks to claim the higher fee for advice and negotiation, the lawyer must provide evidence that substantial advice and negotiations have taken place.

Stage 1C – representation at early intervention FDRS conference

1C – representation at early intervention FDRS conference$848
Distance allowance$212

Entitlements and conditions

  • Where the chairperson recommends another conference and/or the lawyer is of the view that a further conference will assist in resolving the dispute a lawyer may proceed to a further conference without an extension of assistance.
  • An extension of assistance must be obtained to attend a third conference and will not be automatically granted. This is at the discretion of the chairperson and evidenced on the client file.
  • A maximum of three conferences can be claimed in any one matter.
  • The distance fee is available where the lawyer’s office is more than 50 km from court and the lawyer is required to travel for the court event. The fee covers either the lawyer’s travel or briefing an agent.
1D – preparing and filing consent orders$424

Entitlements and conditions

  • Where the dispute resolves at this stage, the lawyer can only claim the fee for preparing and filing consent orders without an extension where they prepare the consent orders and the orders are filed with the court.

Stage 2 – urgent litigation in property disputes in any court

Prepare and appear in an application for an urgent injunctionMagistrates’ Court or FCFCOA$1285 (including appearance fee of $660)
First subsequent appearanceMagistrates’ Court or FCFCOA$660

Entitlements and conditions

  • Only one subsequent appearance fee is available in property matters involving applications for an urgent injunction. No further preparation fees are available where the subsequent appearance fee is claimed.

Stage 2C – initiating litigation, Magistrates’ Court

Preparation and appearance in Commonwealth family law property matters (see stage 2C table note)Magistrates’ Court$2105 (including appearance fee of $476)
Subsequent appearance fees in property matters (see stage 2C table note)Magistrates’ Court$476

Stage 2C table note: Parties with a concurrent legally aided parenting dispute can only claim for appearances fees, distance fees and fees for taking judgement under the Fee table 4: Commonwealth family law and child support matters, 4.1 – lawyer professional costs (excluding ICLs). For example, when inspecting subpoenaed material for party with a legally aided parenting dispute matter and a property matter under the Family Law Property Program, the fee can only be claimed once, and it must be claimed under the parenting matter.

Entitlements and conditions

  • Where proceedings are transferred to the FCFCOA, the fee becomes a broadband grant, and the lawyer will be entitled to:
    • a transfer from state Magistrates' Court to the FCFCOA grant, and
    • in family law property matters, two further subsequent hearings, one compliance and readiness hearing and one trial management hearing in the FCFCOA grants.

without an extension of assistance.

No further preparation fees are available where a subsequent appearance fee is claimed.

Stage 2D – transfer from state Magistrates’ Court to the Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFCOA)

Commonwealth family law property matters transferred from Magistrates’ Court to FCFCOA (see stage 2D table note)FCFCOA$1484 (including appearance fee of $660)
Distance allowance (see stage 2D table note)FCFCOA$212

Stage 2D table note: Parties with a concurrent legally aided parenting dispute can only claim for appearances fees, distance fees and fees for taking judgement under the Fee table 4: Commonwealth family law and child support matters, 4.1 – lawyer professional costs (excluding ICLs). For example, when inspecting subpoenaed material for party with a legally aided parenting dispute matter and a property matter under the trial, the fee can only be claimed once, and it must be claimed under the parenting matter.

Entitlements and conditions

  • The distance fee is available where the lawyer’s office is more than 50 km from court and the lawyer is required to travel for the court event. The fee covers either the lawyer’s travel or briefing an agent.

Stage 2E – initiating litigation, Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFCOA)

Preparation and appearance (see stage 2E table note)FCFCOA$2544 (including preparation of $1884 and appearance fee of $660)
Two subsequent appearance fees (see stage 2E table note)FCFCOA$1284 (including preparation of $624 and appearance fee of $660) each
One compliance and readiness hearing and one trial management hearings (see stage 2E table note)FCFCOA$1062 (including preparation of $402 and appearance fee of $660) each
Conciliation conferenceFCFCOA$855
Distance allowance (see stage 2E table note)FCFCOA$212
Prepare for an interim contestFCFCOA$1060
Appearance in an interim contested hearing (defended daily fee) (see stage 2G table note)FCFCOA$1745
Take judgment (see stage 2G table note)FCFCOA$242

Stage 2E table note: Parties with a concurrent legally aided parenting dispute can only claim for appearances fees, distance fees and fees for taking judgement under the Fee table 4: Commonwealth family law and child support matters, 4.1 – lawyer professional costs (excluding ICLs). For example, when inspecting subpoenaed material for party with a legally aided parenting dispute matter and a property matter under the Family Law Property Program, the fee can only be claimed once, and it must be claimed under the parenting matter.

Entitlements and conditions

  • The grant is a broadband grant. A lawyer in receipt of an initiating litigation grant will be entitled to:
    • two subsequent appearance fees, one compliance and readiness hearing, one trial management hearing (all stage 2F grants) and fees for one interim contested hearing (stage 2G grant) without an extension of assistance, and
    • fees for procedural appearances without an extension of assistance.
  • Where counsel is briefed under an initiating litigation grant, no additional fees are available. Fees for counsel are to be paid out of this fee.
  • Where the lawyer appears at any of the procedural events, the relevant fee is available without an extension of assistance.
  • The distance fee is available where the lawyer’s office is more than 50 km from court and the lawyer is required to travel for the court event. The fee covers either the lawyer’s travel or briefing an agent.
  • Where the interim contested hearing fees are intended to be claimed, the same guidelines for a stage 2G grant apply.

Procedural appearances

Inspecting subpoenaed documents (see procedural appearances table note)FCFCOA$424
Appearance at defended subpoena list (see procedural appearances table note)FCFCOA$636
Telephone mention (see procedural appearances table note)FCFCOA$212
Callover (see procedural appearances table note)FCFCOA$424

Procedural appearances table note: Parties with a concurrent legally aided parenting dispute can only claim for appearances fees, distance fees and fees for taking judgement under the Fee table 4: Commonwealth family law and child support matters, 4.1 – lawyer professional costs (excluding ICLs). For example, when inspecting subpoenaed material for party with a legally aided parenting dispute matter and a property matter under the Family Law Property Program, the fee can only be claimed once, and it must be claimed under the parenting matter.

Entitlements and conditions

  • The fee to attend court to inspect subpoenaed documents is payable per attendance, not per document. Lawyers are expected to minimise the need for multiple attendances to inspect documents. This is because the inspection of documents is considered to be preparation for trial and should primarily be covered by the trial preparation fees.

Stage 2G – interim contested hearing, Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFCOA)

Service/proceedingsCourtLump sum fee
Prepare for an interim contestFCFCOA$1060
Appearance in an interim contested hearing (defended daily fee) (see stage 2G table note)FCFCOA$1745
Take judgment (see stage 2G table note)FCFCOA$242

Stage 2G table note: Parties with a concurrent legally aided parenting dispute can only claim for appearances fees, distance fees and fees for taking judgement under the Fee table 4: Commonwealth family law and child support matters, 4.1 – lawyer professional costs (excluding ICLs). For example, when inspecting subpoenaed material for party with a legally aided parenting dispute matter and a property matter under the Family Law Property Program, the fee can only be claimed once, and it must be claimed under the parenting matter.

Entitlements and conditions

  • The interim contested hearing grant is a lump sum grant.
  • An interim contested hearing is any matter where the court allocates a specific fixture to hear the matter on a contested basis, but which is not the final hearing, ie any interim matter which could not be dealt with in the Registrars Duty List at a hearing, because the matter was particularly complex.
  • The fee for taking judgment is available where the appearance is required on a separate day to receive the judgment.
  • Conference fees are not payable under an interim contest grant.
  • Circuit fees (see fee table 4.3) or distance fees can be requested where appropriate.
  • The distance fee is available where the lawyer’s office is more than 50 km from court and the lawyer is required to travel for the court event. The fee covers either the lawyer’s travel or briefing an agent.

Stage 2I – application for enforcement or contempt proceedings, Federal Circuit and Family Court (FOFCOA)

Application for enforcement or contempt of courtFCFCOA$3995
Distance allowanceN/A$212

Stage 2I table note: Parties with a concurrent legally aided parenting dispute can only claim for appearances fees, distance fees and fees for taking judgement under the Fee table 4: Commonwealth family law and child support matters, 4.1 – lawyer professional costs (excluding ICLs). For example, when inspecting subpoenaed material for party with a legally aided parenting dispute matter and a property matter under the Family Law Property Program, the fee can only be claimed once, and it must be claimed under the parenting matter.

Entitlements and conditions

  • The enforcement and contempt of court grant is a lump sum grant. The grant includes all necessary appearances. No subsequent appearance fees are available.
  • The distance fee is available where the lawyer’s office is more than 50 km from court, and the lawyer is required to travel for the court event. The fee covers either the lawyer’s travel or briefing an agent.

Stage 2L – transfer fee

Under a stage 2L grant, fees are available (where applicable) where a practitioner accepts a transfer of a Commonwealth family law or child support litigation file.

2L – accepting a transfer of a grant of legal assistanceN/A$1040

Entitlements and conditions

  • The stage 2L fee is a lump sum grant and covers:
    • reviewing a file
    • taking instructions and communications
    • preparing documents
    • attending to filing and service
  • The matter must have reached the litigation stage to claim this fee, and this fee is not available for pre-litigation file transfers (i.e. prior to proceedings being issued).

Stage 3 – preparation for trial, Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFCOA)

Preparation for hearing, estimated at one dayFCFCOA$1272
Preparation for hearing, estimated at more than one dayFCFCOA$2120
Negotiating settlement of a matter prior to final hearingFCFCOA$1040

Entitlements and conditions

  • The settlement negotiation fee is a lump sum fee and covers negotiating settlement of a matter prior to final hearing. The fee can only be claimed after a final hearing has been listed, up to the first day of final hearing. This fee is not payable in circumstances where a matter resolves prior to the listing of final hearing or where the matter resolves at a hearing or dispute resolution conference heard after the matter is listed for final hearing. It is also not payable from when the matter reaches the first day of final hearing.
  • The preparation fees can only be claimed in addition to the settlement negotiation fee where preparation for final hearing has been undertaken prior to final hearing.

Stage 4 – trial costs in the Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFCOA)

Defended matters: daily fee$1745
Conference (maximum of 3 hours)$242 per hour
Take judgement$242

Stage 4 table note: Parties with a concurrent legally aided parenting dispute can only claim for appearances fees, distance fees and fees for taking judgement under the Fee table 4: Commonwealth family law and child support matters, 4.1 – lawyer professional costs (excluding ICLs). For example, when inspecting subpoenaed material for party with a legally aided parenting dispute matter and a property matter under the Trial, the fee can only be claimed once, and it must be claimed under the parenting matter.

Entitlements and conditions

  • Circuit fees (where applicable) are payable (see fee table 4.3 – counsel costs and daily circuit fees).
  • Lawyers can claim these fees using ATLAS or by submitting an invoice (where not registered for GST).
  • Instructing fees are not available for lawyers when counsel is briefed to appear in family law matters, except for independent children’s lawyers in limited circumstances.
  • The fee for taking judgment is available where the appearance is required on a separate day to receive the judgment.

Disbursements – commonwealth family law property matters

DisbursementsAll reasonable fees as assessed by VLA
